Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My enforced translating hiatus has been de-enforced

So the great push to navigate the job market, complete the Diss, and get it defended has come to successful conclusion. I will be Dr. Secretguinea very soon, and go to LA in January with a few interviews.

The good news for you is that now I have time to finish up Elene. We're so close to the end too, only 200 lines or so. After that, I have a few ideas for a new project, either Genesis A&B (long overdue), or to move to a different language altogether.

I've been pondering the inception of the Anglo-Norman Narrative Poetry Project or to get going on a long-needed modern English translation of the 13th-century roman d'aventures Robert le Diable, but I think the new languages can wait for a bit. I've got lots of time to enter into these new tasks.

Stay tuned for more Elene!

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