Saturday, March 5, 2011

[a very curtailed] Genesis III is done!

I'm making good time with Genesis, it seems.


Then time passed, hurrying across the structure
of middle-earth, the Maker pushed on the brilliant light,
our Shaper, and that first evening afterward.
Shadowy darkness pressed on after it, hastening along its trail—
that Prince himself created the name “night” for it.
Our Savior sundered them apart; they have ever since
accomplished and performed the desire of the Lord,
eternally over the earth. Then came the second day,
a light after darkness. Then the Warden of Life ordered that
a winsome sky-structure be made in the midst of the watery flood.
Our Sovereign divided the waters and then created
the fastness of the skies; so that the All-powerful heaved
up from the earth through his own word, the Lord Almighty.
The ocean was parted under the high-heavens with holy might,
water from those waters that abide under the firmament of the mortal-roof.

Then the third lovely morning came over the earth
in swift journey. Neither the broad lands nor the waves
were useful yet to the Maker, but the ground stood covered
fast by the waters. The Lord of Angels commanded by word
that the waters that kept their course under the skies
be held in common, their place now fixed. Then quickly there stood
the broad sea beneath the heavens, just as the Holy One ordained
at once, and then was separated the water from the land.
The Ward of Life then saw this dry place, the Herdsman of Hosts,
was revealed wide, then that Glory-King named it the earth.
The proper course of their waves was established
and fettered there… (154-68)

[one or more leaves are missing here, containing the rest of the account of the days of Creation]

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